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How can I reduce my insurance premium with life safety systems?

High-quality life safety solutions bring peace of mind in knowing you will be protected in the event of an emergency, but did you know that they could also save you money on your insurance premiums?

The insurance industry will always favour technology that is likely to minimise damage to assets and therefore result in a smaller claim, so much so that they are often willing to offer significant discounts to customers who effectively safeguard their residential and commercial properties.

Here’s what our experts say about lowering your payments…

Fire Protection Systems

Fire protection systems are capable of controlling and extinguishing the fires, making them ideal for keeping insurance companies happy and reducing steep premiums. The better equipped you are to prevent or control damage, the more likely your insurance costs will be driven down. For more information on fire protection and prevention, read our blog or, if you need to find out more about which safety system is right for you, speak to one of our experts.

Risk Assessments

Fire protection systems are good for lowering insurance costs, but there is more you can do to weigh the quotes in your favour – i.e. risk assessments. Completing a risk assessments is not a one-time job, and we recommend that the risk assessments on your premises are carried out no less than once per year. If you are planning on renewing your insurance in the near future then have a professional assess your property in order to identify any vulnerabilities and opportunities for improvement. This is especially important if you have undertaken any structural or design work since your previous assessment.

Fire extinguishers

Representing a key part of any household or commercial property’s life safety system, fire extinguishers should not be overlooked. Increase your chances of cutting insurance costs by having the correct type of extinguishers, as well as the correct number, appropriately distributed around your property.

Fire extinguishers are one of the most commonplace active fire protection devices in the world, yet less common is the understanding that the contents of the extinguishers have a shelf life. Regular maintenance on your fire safety equipment is crucial since expired or faulty equipment can invalidate your cover and may impact future quotes.

Need some help?

Sometimes the best thing to do is ask the professionals. Our team of highly-qualified engineers and technicians is committed to providing solutions which are fully compliant with international and local codes and standards such as NFPA, FM Global, BS Standards and UAE fire codes. TransPro Systems design, develop, engineer, supply, install, test and maintain a full range of life safety systems, so you can trust us when it comes to protecting what is important to you. Contact our team today for more information.